
Measures for Persons with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19


Notice: Resources mounted on this page may be based on outdated recommendations, or may differ from local or state guidance or rules.   They are intended only for review and potential reuse by professionals in Infection Control and Prevention, in accordance with current guidance and rules in each jurisdiction.

Precautions and Care for Suspected or Known COVID-19. 

Each suspected or identified case of COVID-19 inside the walls of a healthcare facility represents an opportunity to reduce subsequent transmission including the use of special isolation precautions, PPE, and investigations to ensure contacts are assessed for disease and quarantined. 

Many resources relevant to the care of suspected or known cases are listed in the prior COVID-enhanced standard precautions page.  This page only lists additional resources UNIQUE to the care or follow-up of suspected or known cases. 

NEW!  OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard for Healthcare (June 21, 2021): COVID-19 Healthcare ETS | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (

Special Pathogens Network now offering on-site training: a federally recognized collective of hospitals, public health entities, and first-responder organizations from across Colorado with special knowledge and expertise in highly infectious diseases.   Now providing on-site training in infection prevention and control.   The Special Pathogens Network (  

General infection control for COVID-19 in facilities: 

       Infection Control Guidance for Healthcare Professionals about Coronavirus (COVID-19) | CDC 

      Post-Vaccination considerations – NOTE – many recommendations are changing for people who have completed COVID-19       vaccination. 


Environmental Controls – (See Enhanced Standard Precautions on Embrace-IP website)

St. Mary's SCL (Grand Junction, CO) "Isolation Room in a Box" Keep everything you need ready to go!

Care of Patients: 

CDC Clinical Care Guidance for Healthcare Professionals about Coronavirus (COVID-19) | CDC 

NIH National Institutes of Health COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

NETEC Proning WEBINAR: The Use of Proning - Implications for Your Patients and Your Team | NETEC 

Denver Health Treatment Documents

Denver Health COVID-19 Awake Proning Guidelines

Denver Health Disaster Inpatient Clinical Nursing Documentation

Denver Health Discharge Instructions for Patients with Suspect of Confirmed Covid-19 

Denver Health Epic Letter Templates 

        Denver Health Thrombosis   

        Denver Health Outpatient follow-up

Children’s Care:

         Children’s Hospital resources Clinical Pathways | Children's Hospital Colorado (

        Denver Health Pediatric Resources

        Denver Health Infants born to Covid-19 

Surgical Care

         Denver Health Perioperative Precautions see COVID-enhanced standard precautions

         NETEC WEBINAR: Surgical Cases and Considerations for COVID-19 Patients, Part 1 | NETEC

         NETEC WEBINAR: Surgical Cases and Considerations for COVID-19 Patients, Part 2 | NETEC

Respiratory Therapy NEW ASPR TRACIE The Role of Respiratory Therapists during COVID-19

Chaplain Care NEW ASPR TRACIE The Experience of Chaplains during COVID-19

Staff infections and outbreaks         

         Colorado DPHE Outbreak Guidance Workplace outbreak guidance | Colorado COVID-19 Updates 

         Denver Health Exposed worker policies and surveys see COVID-enhanced standard precautions

           CDC Return-to-Work Criteria for Healthcare Workers | CDC   

           CDC Release from isolation:  Discontinuation of Transmission-Based Precautions and Disposition of Patients with SARS-CoV-

            2 Infection in Healthcare Settings | CDC             

Return to Sports: Denver Health Return to Sports 

Post-mortem considerations

         CDC COVID-19 Guidance Postmortem Specimens | CDC