
Surge and Shortage Management

Notice: Resources mounted on this page may be based on outdated recommendations, or may differ from local or state guidance or rules.   They are intended only for review and potential reuse by professionals in Infection Control and Prevention, in accordance with current guidance and rules in each jurisdiction.

COVID-19 has required hospitals to meet excess patient demand amidst staff and supply shortage.   Some issues that particularly affect hospital ICP practice include:

  • Adding beds suitable for respiratory isolation in atypical locations

  • Increased room sharing and patient cohorting by infection status

  • Implementing COVID-19 environmental disinfection and air handling modifications in unusual locations

  • Patient care in Alternate Care locations

  • Conserving personal protective equipment (PPE) and environmental sanitation supplies

  • Preparing or orienting new staff for safe isolation practices and PPE use

  • Relaxation of typical clinical or administrative rules (Crisis Standards of Care) to preserve and prioritize critical services

  • Altered leave and shifts to enhance staff availability

  • Altered return-to-work criteria (crisis standards of care) when permitted and required by staffing needs

  • Inter-organizational agreements to balance patient loads and share staff or materiel

  • On-boarding of new, temporary or voluntary staff including fit testing and training

  • Rapid identification, testing, investigation, isolation or quarantine of staff and patients with COVID-19 exposure or infection 

General Surge Management 

Alternate Care Site Toolkit ASPR TRACIE

Alternate Care Sites and Training, Colorado

CDC COVID-19 Surge Mitigation

Colorado COVID-related subacute, home and transportation options

Surge resources from ASPR TRACIE

NEW ASPR TRACIE Innovations in COVID-19 Patient Surge Management (

Colorado DPHE COVID-19 resources for health care providers and local public health agencies | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

Expanding Bed Capacity

Denver Health Inpatient surge bed planning

Denver Health/ASPR Hospital at Home Webcast


CDC Mitigating Staff Shortages Strategies to Mitigate Healthcare Personnel Staffing Shortages | CDC

ASPR TRACIE COVID-19 Workforce Virtual Toolkit | ASPR TRACIE (

Denver Health Staff leave and travel (note: COVID-19 related leave affected by federal and state level rules) 

Denver Health Health Workers and Families Act Application HWFA    

Denver Health Travel Guidance   

Denver Health Minimize COVID Exposure During the Holidays     

Denver Health Vaccine Symptoms and Paid Leave

Staff Testing and Exclusion

Denver Health Staff testing: Staff Covid - 19 Exposure Guidance   

Denver Health Employee Survey Codebook       Employee Symptom Survey Content

Denver Health Employee Covid - 19 Billing Questions

CDC Health Care Worker Return to Work Guidance  Return-to-Work Criteria for Healthcare Workers | CDC 

Supply management: 

         CDC Optimizing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Supplies (


         NETEC WEBINAR: Supply Management and Inventory Control During COVID-19, Part 1 | NETEC


         NETEC WEBINAR: Supply Management and Inventory Control During COVID-19, Part 2 | NETEC


Conserving supplies:

 Denver Health Hospital Laundered Green Scrubs    

 Denver Health Stockpiling and Theft of Supplies        

 Denver Health Creating curbside services (e.g., pharmacy)